All our wigs are made from high quality heat-resistant fiber hiperlon. These fibers soft and natural looking, but it also can be styled with heat tools such as straighteners, curlers, and blow dryers.
Just a reminder that we only ship the wigs within Canada, so if you’d like one shipped elsewhere please check out
Do you have a wig that would be god for Kneesocks?
Naughty Engrish Spandex Socks works well, it’s on the second page from the bottom. It’s been discontinued though so we’re down to our last one, get it while you can!
Hey guys, I was just wondering if you still sell Tiny Tsundere Tiger Terror? I saw it awhile ago on Thefivewits site, but now that im thinking of buying it I dont see it on there anymore.
We’ve discontinued that wig, but we do have one left! Drop by our booth at an upcoming convention to get it while you still can :)
do you have anything that would be good for ciel from black butler
We do! Phantom Loli Ruffle Encounter works for girl Ciel, and we’ll be getting a new wig for boy Ciel in the next few weeks.
Which wig would be good for Marshall Lee from Adventure Time or John Egbert from Homestuck?
I think Death By Smoking Butterfly would work well for both John Egbert for Marshall Lee.
Hello, i have never bought a wig from you guys before….. but i was just wondering while you guys are at anime north will you guys have the Loli Blond Effervesence wig or the 20% cooler rainbow dash tails for sale if you have any of them left?
We’ll have both in stock at Anime North, but anything rainbow sells fast so I suggest dropping by the booth on Friday to be safe. We’ll be booth X15-16.
I see you’ll be at Anime North this weekend,
Will you have the Edward Elric wig in stock? I’m going to come by as soon as the dealers room opens if you do xD “Abbreviated Alchemical Arm Attack”
We will! I’ll put one aside so it’s ready to go once you get there :) We’re booth X15-16
Awesome! Thank you so much, you’ve saved me! :D
Glad we could help :D
hey, i was wondering if you have any wigs that would be good for Ellie from the Last of Us
We don’t have anything with an integral ponytail, but you could take a long brown wig and put it in a low ponytail your self. I’d suggest Good Again Psychic Phoenix or Final Fist Perfect Hair.
do you guys have any wigs that’ll look good for ciel phantomhive?(Black butler)
Depending on which colour you like, people use Phantom Loli Ruffle Encounter or Azuline Loli Ruffle Encounter. Both have clip on ponytails so you can go as boy or girl Ciel.
Sweet thx btw you guys have anything that’ll fit gareki from Karneval too? and how much are the two wigs without the clips?
We don’t have anything in that particular shade. But there seems to be a variance in colour when I search for images. I suggest coming by our booth at an upcoming convention and seeing what we have up close.
I see that you guys are going to be at ConBravo and i was wondering if you will have the Odango Justice Moon Princess wig, Loli Blond Effervesence wig, 20%Cooler Double Rainbow Clip on, Diamond Fashion Danger Curls wig with a clip and a wig that would work for Fluttershy from MLP friendship is magic? and im sorry about asking for the same wigs again i wasn’t able to make it inside Anime North and am most likely going to ConBravo but if not than for sure FanExpo and im sorry to inform you that i wont be able to show up on friday, i go on saturday because thats when i have the day off work . Please and Thanks, If not thats quite alright :)
We should be fully stocked for ConBravo, unless UPS decides to suck and hold up the packages in customs for a few weeks. In the unfortunate case that does happen we’d have everything you asked about at FanExpo for sure.
Hello cactus mafia! Im attending Fan expo this month, and im just kinda wondering what Wigs your gonna have in stock :) There are quite a few im hoping to buy, and im hopefully going to do my shopping ASAP when I get there so its not a rush to find things that might not even be there in the end.
We’re at Otakuthon right now with full stock, and whatever we don’t sell here we’ll be bringing to FanExpo. If you would like something held for you just send and email to in for cactus with the wigs you’d like and the name to hold it under.
Do you carry the black braid clips?
We do! They’re currently in stock so you can pick them up at one of our upcoming conventions.
Do you sell a slightly longer than shoulder length slight yellow blonde that would work for stella loussier from gundam seed destiny? :o
I think Blondie’s Moving Chocolate Obsession would be good, though it may be a touch short. Your best bet would be to drop by our booth at a convention so you can see it up close :)
Hi, I was just wondering if you would have a clip on ponytail in the same color as the lightning wig you have? if not thats okay :) i just wanted to know
Unfortunately we don’t have clip on ponytails in that exact colour, but the ones from this wig are very close:
ok thanks you :)
Hello you lovely people! I was at Con-G the series finale (sad face) and bought a Black Widow wig from your booth, I wanted to send my friend a link to a picture of it before I styled mine but can’t seem to find it up here. Ps. I’m that crazy chick wanting to do a fighting Urukai costume.
You can check it out here in our facebooks albums:
do you have any wigs for jean from attack on titan?
We do! Check it out here:
Are you guys coming to Anime North 2014? I’m looking for a yuna wig from final fantasy x and a bald cap.
We’ll be there! We have a wig for Yuna:
But unfortunately we don’t carry bald caps :(
Heyy I was just wondering if you would have a wig that would be good for diamond tiara from MLP FIM? and if you are going to Anime North here in Canada, and possibly have that type of wig for sale ? if not thats ok :)
Unfortunately we don’t have anything designed for Diamond Tiara specifically :( We do have a couple purple wigs that might work, though they are a little darker and you would have to add the white stripe yourself. This one is already curled:
Where as this on is longer, but straight:
ok thanks :)
Hi do you guys have the Emotionally Stunted Bullet Ballet wig in stock? If you do are you going to be in on Friday for Anime North?
We do have that in stock, although wigs sell out very fast at Anime North. I can hold one for you if you’d like, just send an email with your name and the wig you’d like held to
Do you guys have any wigs that would be good for Ellie from the Last of Us?
I would suggest Unlikely Giant Love Interest, it comes with the hair down but it is very easy to put in a ponytail.
Hi, there i was wondering how much is too long sailor moon tails mine very bad tangled be very hard comp out so i was curious how much are them? thanks
Clip in ponytails are $15 each or $25 for 2. If you would like to purchase them online you can get them here: Or if you would like to reserve them for pickup at a convention we will be exhibiting at please just send us a message at and we’ll set that up for you :)
Do you have any recommendations for a good Mettaton wig and potentially a good guts wig?
I’d suggest Video Killer Radio Star for Mettaton.

As for Guts I’d suggest Cocky Commander General Snap, it’s our shortest black wig and is very easy to spike.
Hey! Are there any wigs that you would recommend for a Len Kagamine cosplay? Thanks!
For Len we suggest Prima Tiger Skater Boi
What wig would you recommend for Marinette Dupain-Cheng from Miraculous Ladybug?
For Marienette we would suggest Miracle Bug on the Spot
Hi, just wondering if you have a picture of the Strawberry Neko Bankai Crush wig in natural light?
We just added some natural light product photos now, hope that helps!
Hi, are there any wig recommendations for Denki Kaminari from My Hero Academia?
Hello! For Denki we’d suggest either #1 Hyperactive Friendship Power or Sparkling Prince Love Attack.
Do you have any wigs that would work for Levy Mcgarden from fairy tail?
For Levy we suggest
I’m wondering if you have anything that could work for David Martinez from Cyberpunk Edgerunners?
For David Martinez most people have been using